You can make a difference in our community by becoming a MaArCo member!
Become an Artist Member or Friends of MaArCo Member
Join our atist group or help support our members through a $50 contribution which enables you to be an active member or pick and choose which events you’d like to support through attendance and advocacy.
Become a Gold Level Support Member
For a $100 donation, you will be helping produce events and meaningful projects. In turn, you will receive special invitations to opening events, receive special prieviews to exhibitions upon request and a 5% discount on the art. Plus, you will receive a MaArCo T-Shirt!
Become a Platinum Level Support Member
For a $200 donation, you will be helping produce events and meaningful projects. In turn, you will receive special invitations to opening events, receive special prieviews to exhibitions upon request and a 10% discount on the art. You will receive a MaArCo T-Shirt and receive two tickets to our End of Year Gala Event.